Infertility - Renew Medical Clinic

Infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to full term after 1 year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. It affects an estimated 15% of couples worldwide. While female factor infertility accounts for about 1/3 of cases and male factor infertility accounts for another 1/3, the remaining cases are caused by a combination of factors or remain unexplained. Some common causes of infertility include:

The first step in infertility evaluation involves a thorough medical history and physical exam. Bloodwork to check hormone levels and tests like a semen analysis in men or an HSG (hysterosalpingography) in women may be done. Some treatments for infertility include: Lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, minimizing stress, and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, drugs and caffeine may also help improve fertility naturally. Some couples try complementary therapies like acupuncture as well. Seeking support through counseling, online forums or in-person support groups can help cope with the emotional stress of infertility. It's important for couples to communicate openly with each other for mutual understanding and support. If you're struggling with infertility, the caring professionals at Renew Medical Clinic are here to help. Our board-certified reproductive endocrinologists have over 20 years of experience successfully treating infertility with individualized care plans including ovulation induction, IUI, IVF and egg/sperm donation. Schedule a consultation today to discuss your treatment options. We look forward to helping you start or grow your family!

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