Loss of muscle - Renew Medical Clinic

What is loss of muscle?

Muscle loss, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink or degrade as a result of aging, illness, or lack of physical activity. This leads to a decrease in muscle mass and strength over time.

Some key facts about muscle loss:

There are several factors that cause or contribute to muscle loss:

The impacts of muscle loss include:

Luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent or slow muscle loss:

At Renew Medical Clinic, we specialize in helping patients optimize hormone levels to counteract muscle loss. Our dedicated physicians provide individualized treatment plans involving hormone replacement therapy, nutrition counseling, and lifestyle changes to help you retain muscle mass and strength. Contact us today for a consultation!

The key takeaway is that muscle loss is a common condition with major impacts on our health and quality of life. Staying physically active, eating enough protein, managing illnesses, and balancing hormones can go a long way towards preserving muscles as you age. Don't accept muscle loss as inevitable - take steps now to maintain strength, mobility, and independence.

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